Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You Know You're Privileged When... think that marginalized people who object to language that further marginalizes them are being "paranoid" and "nitpicky."

A lot of people think that feminist objections to words like "pussy" are paranoid and nitpicky.

A lot of people think that feminist objections to using the word "rape" in contexts like "that exam raped me" are paranoid and nitpicky.

A lot of people think that feminist objections to the pejorative use of phrases like "you're such a girl" are paranoid and nitpicky.

If it's not paranoid or nitpicky to object to sexist language, then why the fuck is it paranoid and nitpicky to object to ableist language? Because you're not diabled? Mm-hmm. I thought so.


  1. I haven't read Feministing in months, but it still makes me sad.

  2. Feministing is a never ending source of fun and happiness. =(

  3. Nice post/rant, I sympathize with you fully. I get tired of being told I need to learn to "take a joke" when I object to sentiments and phrases that make me feel disrespected, degraded or otherwise dehumanized. (While slightly irrelevant, I'm going to point out that your post criticizing the commonly used "fucked up the ass" analogy was awesome.)

    While I no longer frequent Feministing due to my frustration with the community, I've stumbled across quite a few fantastic feminist blogs there and will always be thankful for that.

  4. I think "You Can Tell You're Privileged When" should be a series of posts. Think how useful it could be!

  5. Ditto Megn's comment.

  6. This post has been included in a linkspam at
