Monday, July 15, 2013

Justice for Trayvon

Tell Attorney General Eric Holder to bring civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel, I found your blog via some internet research I am doing around menopause. Your blog came up as I was looking for some posters of Premarin ads and you have some in March 2009. I was looking for one in particular described in a book by Barbara Seaman that I am reading that sounds particularly gruesome towards women, but alas I have not found it. However, I love your blog! You seem a kindred spirit! My feminist side has been rekindled after doing this degree and am finding sexism everywhere. I found a particularly nasty poster here- - its as recent as 2005 in the archives of this advertising company. I cannot see the text clearly but i can see images of female serial killers with how many people they have killed in South Africa and a jar of a herbal menopausal bottle of pills at the bottom. I could be wrong but the bottle does seem to have 'Femolene' on it. I remain completely shocked by this. You have a great blog, how do I follow you, I cannot see a button.
